Australian malting barley adds a winning taste to Vietnamese beer

With Vietnam’s malting barley imports set to nearly double by 2030, the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) is engaging with Vietnamese brewers and maltsters to ensure Australia maintains a significant market share. Last week, AEGIC hosted a virtual event ­for the Vietnamese brewing and malting industry to provide an update on the 2020 growing […]

GRDC directors will oversee $174 million in grain levies and gov matched funds 

Of the seven directors appointed for the next Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC) three-year term that commenced on 1 October 2020 three are reappointments and four are new appointees. “The appointment of the next non-executive directors is paramount to realising the priorities highlighted in GRDC’s Research, Development and Extension Plan for 2018‑2023,” Agriculture Minister Littleproud […]

A self-assessment tool to initiate drought resilience is needed in the bush

The Australian Government in seeking a service provider to deliver the Drought Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (DR SAT). DR SAT will then provide the gathered drought information online drought for primary producers to easily access, as part of the $5 billion Future Drought Fund. “Australia is increasingly vulnerable to drought and the impacts of changing climate […]

Red meat supply chains are going green

Angus Gidley Baird or Rabobank

Proactive governments worldwide have begun regulating to reduce emissions in red meat production forcing industry players to take a different approach  The growing focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions around the world is driving a shift in the red meat sector. But it will be the market – rather than regulators – motivating change, according […]

Rural Australian’s given access to just launched mental health helpline technology

Thousands of rural Australians in crisis could benefit from the launch of a charity’s technology that can reduce the time it takes to select and contact a suitable mental health helpline. Latest government data shows almost half (45%) of the Australian population will experience mental illness at some time in their life[1], and a recent […]