Safe Ag Systems uses technology to comply with WHS requirements

The Safe Ag Systems alerts farm workers to any hazards while providing the agribusinesses with a farmer-friendly, online solution for managing farm safety WHS requirements and initiating safety procedures for workers

Managing safety and security on large properties can be challenging but technology introduced by South Australian company Safe Ag Systems now greatly assists in the process.

Safe Ag Systems | Helping to make safety a priority for agribusinesses

When people are crowding into the front bar of the country pub or cramming into a neighbour’s shearing shed to hear what you have to say, you know you have an offer of importance. Such is the case for Katy Landt, CEO and co-founder of Safe Ag Systems.

Offering a simple, intuitive cloud-based piece of software for agribusinesses to use to develop and maintain a work health and safety (WHS) system, Safe Ag Systems came into being after Katy Landt, CEO and co-founder of Safe Ag Systems father had a ‘near-miss’ on the family grain farm, on the Yorke Peninsula SA.

“After the event, my mother started looking into safety compliance and realised that as an agribusiness, we were a long way from what the legislation required,” said Ms Landt.

It is estimated that less than 1% of Australian agribusinesses meet current WHS legislation.

This is a worry as from the 156,000 agribusinesses in Australia, around 90,000 of them are ‘mum and dad’ operations, many not aware of their legislative requirements for WHS.

The home-grown Safe Ag Systems software uses both desktop and mobile applications, and is able to introduce workable WHS requirements as a natural part of everyday life on the farm.

Safe Ag Systems has initiated a range of functions in version 2.0 of their software to help Australian agribusinesses ensure their compliance with relevant legislation and ensure a safer workplace.

The system now incorporates upgrades suggested by initial users and a result it has developed into an innovative product that is lighter, faster and on a platform that is future-ready.

Safe Ag Systems has expanded nationally and has already initiated plans to export their software. There are currently 3500 users on the system, but there is still have a long way to go to ensure complete industry take-up.

Additional functions in the update include a QR code creation and scanning tool. A business can create a checklist for a certain piece of equipment, such as a tractor and require all workers to complete the checklist before operating the equipment each time, or on a regular basis.

The code can simply be printed and attached to the equipment or structure.

It is then scanned by workers before operation, requiring them to complete the checklist. Whenever the code is scanned, it takes a time and date stamp and records who has completed the checklist.

Offline capability has been activated for components within the system too, which enables workers to complete checklists, undertake inductions or add maintenance records or hazards while they are out in a paddock.

In the case of poor mobile phone reception, the information will be stored in the app until coverage improves, when the data will be synced across all users.

Safe Ag Systems is not just a tool, but a full-service offering for agribusinesses to manage on-farm safety and security.

Safe Ag Systems has undertaken nearly 45 educational workshops nationally. With the aim to educate the farm industry on how to minimise risk and engage their workers to foster a culture of safety.

A contractor directory has been created, which aims to link growers using the app with contractors who also have a focus on safety.

This service is free for contractors to list on, they’re not required to sign up for the full program, but instead it lets farmers connect with them, knowing they’re committed to safety.

Those within the Safe Ag Systems community are more likely to choose contractors who are proactive towards safety, so being able to list on this free directory will be of benefit to producers and contractors alike.

Access to a Safe Ag Systems information and membership is available through the website: or tel: 08 8490 0939 for direct information.