Nationals’ leader says the Agricultural Visa would help us feed the world
The Leader of the Nationals, David Littleproud said the Agricultural Visa would go a long way to help Australia feed the world, if only the Labor Government would listen to farmers and not their union masters and reversed the decision to scrap it. Mr Littleproud was reacting to reports the Prime Minister will tell the […]
Horticulture production holds on but overseas workers remain crucial
The horticulture sector has maintaining output during COVID-19 despite workers shortage. A recent report, Labour use in Australian agriculture: Analysis of survey results report, has revealed that horticultural farm output levels have remained steady, despite an eight per cent drop in the number of workers employed on horticulture farms. The restart of the Pacific Labour mobility program […]
Australian Agriculture visa is becoming bigger than a US green card
The Nationals have claimed a vital rural work force to help secure the future of rural and regional Australia, by establishment of the Australian Agriculture visa to build on the highly successful existing Pacific schemes. The Agricultural Worker Visa will provide a long-term, reliable workforce for our critical industries while solving one of regional Australia’s […]