Winter crop plantings for 2023-24 at all-time record but harvest levels a perceived risk
Predictions for a hit to the winter crop harvest continue as Rural Bank gives its assessment of the season ahead for grower fortunes Once all the crystal ball gazers start drinking from the one trough it’s hard to get a varying second opinion. And that’s the case with winter harvest predictions for season 2023-24, even […]
Farmgate production value for season 2023-24 not so easy to predict
All are in agreement that crop plantings are in record territory for winter season 2023-24 but there is a vast discrepancy on what the final harvest will tally Soothsayers, experts and also-rans are getting in early with their predictions for the farmgate value for season 2023-24, and it couldn’t differ more than any recent season […]
Crop plantings set the stage for record harvest from 2022-23 winter season
Winter crop plantings in 2022–23 have already been tallied at the second highest on record at 23.432 million hectares just a smidgeon under the record 23.450 million hectares planted last year – with more paddocks to be added If growers that endured three of the driest seasons on record starting back in 2017-18 believed they were due […]