Winter crop harvest under an El Niño cloud is hurting the marginals
Growers in marginal country with harvest underway due to dry conditions have now accepted a reduced winter crop is their best outcome With an El Niño now officially confirmed by The Bureau, this has become a two-tier season where marginal cropping areas affected by the dry conditions will face a reduced winter crop harvest, while […]
El Niño conditions could influence later start to tropical cyclone season
Emergency services are warning communities in the Northwest not to become complacent amid predictions that El Niño conditions could delay the start of Wet Season and lead to fewer cyclones. The Bureau of Meteorology released its 2023-24 Tropical Cyclone Outlook today, confirming the current El Niño and positive Indian Ocean Dipole events are likely to […]
CSIRO researchers have weighed in with their view on the significance of the possible El Niño conditions warning
Following The Bureau of Meteorology announcement that we can expect to move out of the current neutral phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We have been in a neutral phase of ENSO since the “triple dip” of La Niña over three consecutive years ended earlier this year. The Bureau’s recently released El Niño ‘alert’ follows climate […]
How the weather left us worn and confused in 2022 and what to expect in 2023
Rain and flooding caused untold damage in many parts as the ill-effects of a La Niña wet phase were in control but now at an end with the likely return of dryer conditions While the overall recent national weather picture has averaged out as warmer and wetter there were some states that never received much […]