ACCC set to restore trust and confidence in Murray-Darling Basin water markets
The ACCC says it welcomes the Australian Government’s plan to legislate new functions for the ACCC as the water market conduct regulator in the Murray-Darling Basin. This week, the Government released the Water market reform: final roadmap report and announced its intention to implement all of the recommendations. The ‘roadmap’ built on the findings and […]
Water allocation prices set to remain low across the southern Murray-Darling Basin
The latest water market report appears to confirm that water allocation prices in the southern Murray-Darling Basin are likely to remain low in 2021-22. The report provides a range of possible allocation prices for 2021-22 in wet, average, dry and extreme dry scenarios. But based on the current climate outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology […]
Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry recommends a comprehensive and focused reform
In its final report into water marketing in the Murray-Darling Basin the ACCC recommends the immediate establishment of new and independent Water Markets Agency It couldn’t be any clearer, the ACCC insists that a change must take place as it hands down its findings into how water is traded in the Murray-Darling Basin and how […]