Budget tax hit on farmers will seep into every household

Farmers and regional Australian residents will initially feel the most sting from the Federal Budget but that will also extend to city dwellers in due course It’s always a two-way split when a budget is announced, there are the Collins and Pitt Street cockies that are cocooned in warm velvet surroundings with a drop of […]

Nationals’ leader says the Agricultural Visa would help us feed the world

The Leader of the Nationals, David Littleproud said the Agricultural Visa would go a long way to help Australia feed the world, if only the Labor Government would listen to farmers and not their union masters and reversed the decision to scrap it. Mr Littleproud was reacting to reports the Prime Minister will tell the […]

Nationals party leadership to be decided on Monday and nothing is certain

Skeletons will be rattled and intentions will be questioned during a fiery Nationals Party leadership spill that will decide the fate of party policies The energetic contender and current Nationals Party Deputy Leader David Littleproud will face his biggest political test to date when members are asked to decide the future of the party on […]