Automatic turning system back on track


CLAAS has released an automatic guidance system that allows fast, easy and accurate turning at headlands. Source: AFDJ eNews

CLAAS TURN IN automatically identifies the next track and then guides machinery during the turn.

“Without fixed reference points, it is often difficult to line up with the next track at headlands,” CLAAS Harvest Centre Product Manager – Precision Farming, Travis Ryan-Salter said.

“Starting at an angle of 90 degrees to the track, TURN IN identifies the optimum path to follow based on the machine’s speed, steering lock and alignment. The system then guides the machine onto the next track automatically using a pre-defined path to achieve the desired turn.”

The driver can override the system at any time.

“The system will identify a new track and path as soon as the driver changes speed, steering lock or other factors.”

TURN IN can be fitted to all CLAAS steering systems that utilise the S7 or S10 terminal. These include LEXION combine harvesters, JAGUAR forage harvesters XERION, AXION and ARION tractors. Existing steering systems can be retrofitted by means of an activation code.