CEMA Summit

CEMA will be bringing together EU decision makers, industry leaders, farmers, digital experts and agri-food stakeholders at Farming 4.0 on 12 October 2017 in Brussels. Source: AFDJ eNews

The CEMA 2017 summit, Moving towards connected & sustainable agriculture in Europe, will focus on digital farms, automated equipment and robots, and how these will transform agriculture in Europe.

In agriculture, the pace of innovation is moving ahead fast these days: Precision Farming, digital technologies and intelligent farm machines are transforming farm practices in hitherto unknown depth and speed.

Agriculture today is a high-tech sector in which “producing better and more with less” is a central tenet to achieve greater environmental sustainability and allow European farmers to produce in the wake of sharply increasing global trade and competition.

In addition, the use of digital tools is opening up entirely new business models and opportunities and is thus poised to disrupt the world of farming as we know it today.

Smart farm machines harvest huge amounts of data, cloud-based platforms help farmers in managing their operations from a smart phone.

Together with other digital support tools farmers can now acquire an unprecedented level of knowledge about their crops, livestock, and operations.

The summit will also look at how new business models will arise from the new technologies and how will Europe’s farm machinery industry drive innovation in agriculture.

EU regulations needed to support innovation and digital farming will be discussed as will the need to keep ahead of new developments in this fast-moving area.

To get more information visit: www.cema-summit.eu