The Federal Government is searching for a service provider to deliver the Forestry Workforce Training Program (the Program), with an approach to market open from today.
Assistant Secretary of Agvet Chemicals and Forestry, Julie Gaglia said identifying a preferred supplier through an open tender approach would support the delivery of the Program to ensure it meets the training needs of the forest, wood products, pulp and paper and fibre sectors.
“Australia’s forestry industry supplies the nation with products for building and construction, packaging and many essential household products,” Ms Gaglia said.
“It requires a specialised workforce to produce these products and to understand the ever-changing needs of consumers.
“The industry is a significant employer in rural and regional Australia, directly employing 52,000 people.
“Due to the remote location and ageing workforce, increased participation in the workforce by First Nations Australians and women will be increasingly important.
“An issue often faced by the forestry industry is accessing the specific training and credentials required for the workforce.
“The selected service provider will work to support the delivery of skills and training to meet the requirements of Australia’s forest and wood products sectors and provide long-term sustainable solutions for industry and workers.
“They will also provide solutions to structural impediments identified in the scoping study completed late last year.”
Potential suppliers can submit a tender on AusTender now. The approach to market will close at 9:00 am on 28 May 2024.