South East Field Days

Date(s) - 17 Mar 2023 until 18 Mar 2023
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Yakka Park,
3293 Avenue Range Road
Lucindale South Australia

Contact Details
Contact: Secretary
T: 08 8766 2075 | Email | Website

South East Field Days will be hosting its next event on the 17th and 18th March, 2023.

Trade sites are filling fast so be sure to download our new prospectus so you don’t miss out. With the amount of rainfall we’ve had in the south east, the event is sure to be bigger and better than ever as confidence soars in the agricultural sector.

Our Facebook page will be continuously updated with posts as information comes to hand so be sure to Like our page and follow us on Instagram and Twitter. All exhibitors are very welcome to post your own adverts and information on our Facebook page.

We look forward to hearing from all exhibitors past and new, and any information you need be sure to call the event committee direct on tel: 08 8766 2075, or email:
Mail to PO Box 42 Lucindale SA 5272. See more at:

Open days

General public admission is from 8:00am and 5:00pm on both days.
Admission tickets can be purchased at the gate. Adults only $25 and School aged children are free.

See you at Yakka Park

Another Field Days at Yakka Park awaits customers and exhibitors alike.

Here is your chance to be a participant in this very successful enterprise this year.

If you wish to participate in this year’s South East Field Days, the Lucindale Lions Club Field Days’ Committee has formulated the current Prospectus for your perusal. This Prospectus has years of fine tuning over many very successful years of operation.

We endeavour to keep the price at a manageable level for exhibitors and the public. Owing to the success of the children free at the gate, we are doing it again this year.

We pride ourselves on donating money to worthwhile charities near and far. The Lions Clubs Cancer Screening Bus will be once again doing its job at its usual spot this year. This very valuable Free service is run by specially trained Lions Club Members.

As usual we endeavour to supply top class entertainment. This year we have booked the Monster Trucks as our main attraction. We also have the ever-popular Puppy Pound again complementing the successful Yard Dog Trials.

We are pleased to announce that we have been selected to Host the Australian Yard Dog Championships.

Thanks to our many sponsors for the field days we are able to present these top-grade attractions for exhibitors and the public.

Our dedicated team of volunteers, members of the Lions Club, wives and partners, have worked tirelessly throughout the year to achieve this very pristine field days site. We have upgraded the rainwater capacity on site to save labour long term.

If you are an exhibitor and wish to participate in the 42nd South East Field Days, fill out the prospectus and join us for another year at Lucindale’s Yakka Park.

The South East Field Days hope you have a prosperous and successful year and can honour us with your presence.

Thank you to the exhibitors who will travel to Lucindale, we hope you all have a successful field days and a safe trip home.