Farm World is 50

Farm World is celebrating 50 years this year and its conference called “Collaborate to Innovate” should resonate with the Young Farmers and SPAA. Source: AFDJ eNews

In 2017, Lardner Park celebrates 50 years of hosting Farm World and it will be on from 30 March to 2 April. This event is widely regarded as one of Victoria’s largest premier regional agricultural events, and the four days attract more than 55,000 visitors and over 800 exhibitors.

Professional farmers come to look at equipment or attend the conference sessions and Farm World offers huge ranges and a serious focus on the latest in technology, equipment and information.

There’s plenty at Farm World for both urban pioneers and lifestyle farmers interested in small equipment, DIY passions, sustainable gardening and horticulture, and masses of must-have tools.

On the Thursday, there is the “Women in Agriculture” lunch with guest speaker this year being Rebel Black.

On the Saturday and Sunday there are a series of rolling exhibits and workshops conducted to tie in with the Food & Fibre theme for 2017.

This will include Melbourne Chef Alejandro Saravia doing some cooking demonstrations, plus other sessions on cooking with essential oils, how to photograph food (and make it look good), bread and cheese making, deli delights market stalls etc.

Farm World’s Great Milk-Off Challenge will be held by milking jersey cows with media, politicians, milk producers all competing against each other on timed hand milking.