All seeing eye in a tree offers wide angle security

The folk at Silvan Australia’s Selecta merchandise division have come up with a way for property owners to counter losses from theft. The Selecta high-tech 3G wide-angle motion activated security camera can transmit, record and store vital images of any unwelcome visitors.

Selecta’s general manager Michael Frost says that being able to identify an intruder, or obtaining a vehicle number plate, or other identification is usually the first step in the recovery of stolen goods, repair of damaged premises, or the information that leads to a successful Police prosecution

“Even the local knowledge that a security camera is in position often acts as a deterrent to unwelcome visitors,” Mr Frost said.

The Selecta camera is designed to be positioned secretly or in an unexposed location to take advantage of its broad angle lens giving a 100-deg field of view.

The wide-angle camera is programmed to send daily reports to designated mobile numbers or email addresses of its photos obtained using the 3G network as they are taken.

Compact and unobtrusive in appearance and supplied with a mounting strap or with an optional permanent fixing bracket available, the new 3G Selecta wide angle camera records information both day and night, the latter with an up to 30 metre range of view.

At a recommended retail price of $499 the Selecta Wide Angle Motion Activated Security Camera with 3G availability is a very inexpensive defence against losses through theft or associated business or personal losses.

“In short, an activity activated and recording device of this nature is now a recommended attachment for many types of farm, lifestyle or business premises.

The Selecta Wide Angle Motion Activated Security Camera is available nationally from Selecta resellers. Technical information is available on request to freecall 1300 SILVAN (1300 745 826) or by email: