Roll over phone alert

Victorian Angus cattle and sheep breeder Mark Gubbins tracker and roll-over alert system for four-wheel motorbikes was a hit at Sheepvention. Source: Beef Central

His motorbike roll over phone text alert system linked to a GPS tracking system placed second in the farm machinery and technology sections of the Hamilton Sheepvention inventions competition last week.

“Basically what I have designed is a tracker system and a roll-over alert on a four-wheel motorbike that you could put on a car, but we’ve fitted to a four-wheel motorbike to demonstrate it,” he said. “What it does is, if we invert this bike it text message the bike’s position and the time of the roll-over within one minutes to as many phones as you want to pre-program.”

Mr Gubbins said with the system on a vehicle if there was a roll over accident, people had the ability to find and render assistance to an injured rider or driver.

“It also pin-pricks it on a map (on the Austracker website).”

The invention used readily available parts, including a GPS tracker and a data link joined to a mercury switch, which could send a signal through the GSM network or via satellite in remote areas.