Australian broadacre graziers are now able to effectively fight and control broadleaf weeds with the new ForageMax Arylex active 5 litre package. Source: AFDJ eNews
Designed specifically for larger intensive grazing operations, ForageMax is registered for use on forage brassica crops (turnips and rape), which produce excellent livestock weight gains in lambs and cattle.
With no registered alternative currently available on the Australian market, ForageMax increases profitability for graziers by successfully growing on-farm grazing productivity, providing an unparalleled solution for controlling many broadleaf weeds including shepherd’s-purse, Paterson’s curse, fumitory and many thistles.
“Having the option to come in with ForageMax is a real game changer” said Tim Condon, Delta Agribusiness Agronomist.
“The new 5 litre package will provide a great level of value to brassica growers across our region and will allow them to effectively clean up weeds, letting the crop fully utilise soil moisture and nutrients” Mr Condon said.
In the past, these forage crops have often been over-run with broadleaf weeds which reduces the number of grazing events, the overall feed value of the crop and causes ongoing weed problems in the following years.
“ForageMax is a robust product which allows grazing operations including fat lamb and beef producers to successfully grow forage rape and turnips on their properties, often filling the feed gap and reducing the need to buy in additional feed for stock”, Mr Dan Dixon, Dow AgroSciences Cereals Marketing Manager said.
“Winter grown forage brassicas are gaining more momentum each season and serve as an effective break crop, helping to reduce disease in subsequent wheat crops.”
ForageMax has a single low application rate and can be applied early (4-8 leaf stage) on forage brassicas. It works best on small, actively growing weeds.
ForageMax is rain-fast within three hours, has a short grazing withholding period of only 14 days and can be tank-mixed with a number of insecticides, grass herbicides and other agricultural inputs.
Dow AgroSciences recommends applying ForageMax with Uptake Spraying Oil to provide the best possible weed control in brassica crops.